We at Hotel 7 Säulen work with selected touring companies in the region, and there are a few we’d like to recommend.
TourismusRegion Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg präsentiert auf ihrer Webseite eine historisch und landschaftlich hochinteressante Region beidseits der Elbe. Die Region bietet drei UNESCO Welterbestätten im Herzen Europas: Die Lutherstätten in Wittenberg, das Bauhaus und die Meisterhäuser in Dessau und das Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz. Weitere lohnende Ziele in der Umgebung sind die Naturparke Fläming und Dübener Heide, das Jessener Land mit seinen Weinbergen oder Zerbst, von wo aus eine Prinzessin auszog, um als Katharina II. russische Zarin zu werden.
The Elbe region between Wittenberg and Dessau is home to three UNESCO World Heritage sites in close proximity to one another – the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Kingdom, the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau and the Luther memorials in Wittenberg. You will find plenty of information and offers on this historically unique tourist region on the websites of Luther-Bauhaus-Gartenreich and Stadtmarketinggesellschaft mbH.
Wir sind Mitglied im Verein Regionalmarke Mittelelbe association, an initiative of small and medium-sized companies based in the region. We operate in agriculture and forestry, crafts, services, and catering and hospitality. Meat or fish, fruit or vegetables, wool or wood, we turn local raw materials into products typical of the region and deliver them to our guests in the most direct way possible.eredelt, die auf kurzem Wege zu unseren Kunden gelangen.
Our breakfast buffet has plenty of products from our partners in the region
- Bäckerei Schieke (bread and other bakery products),
- Biofrucht Senst (fruit and vegetables),
- Elbkäserei Vockerode (cheese),
- Fruchthof Wulfen Agrar- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH (fruit and vegetable),
- Gärtnerei Düben, AVG Cobbelsdorf-Fläming e. G. (fruit spreads),,
- Hof Pfaffendorf Molkerei GmbH & Co. KG (milk, cheese and yoghurt),
- Imkerei Schubert, Oranienbaum (honey),
- Kaffeerösterei Hannemann (coffee),
- Landwirtschaftsbetrieb Leonhardi (organic eggs),
- Obstkelterei Fläminggarten (orchard apple juice, fruit spreads and jams),
- Obsthof Zwicker (jelly),
- Quetzer Manufaktur (fruit spreads, jams, jelly),
- Straußen- und Damwildhof Halamunda (sausage),
- Weingut Hanke (wine jelly).
Regio boxes make ideal gifts from the Middle Elbe region – whether individually put together or in combinations that we suggest, we have something for every taste. Mittelelbe Regio box partner companies are family businesses, direct marketers and initiatives based in the region. This keeps marketing and transport routes short and ensures transparency in production and processing. Manufacturing, raw materials production and processing all take place within the region. Renewable raw materials are always used in packing and packaging materials in our Regio boxes.